Written by Hi-Point® Firearms, May 2019
Congratulations to our Hi-Point® Firearms Instagram photo contest winner, Cliff Montgomery—founder of YouTube channel The Dusty Cliffs Outdoor Misadventures.
Cliff started shooting his first Hi-Point® over 20 years ago. His first model was the 995 carbine, and it's the model he's most loved since. You can check out his episode reviewing the Hi-Point® 995 on The Dusty Cliffs, and buy the tactical stock in his review here.
The Dusty Cliffs feature 34 videos (and growing!) and is dedicated exclusively to the outdoors and gun reviews.
Cliff started The Dusty Cliffs in 2018 out of a desire to get more in touch with the outdoors and firearms communities. He uses it to learn from others about outdoor skill development and as a place to share his experiences. He also has a section featuring gun reviews called "Down by the River."
Cliff's photo submission won FIRST PLACE among voters in our First Annual Instagram Photo Contest, and we're excited to send him a Hi-Point® Swag Bag in exchange for his photo submission. Cliff's swag bag will FEATURE newly released Hi-Point® Firearms merchandise!!
Cliff shared a story with our Hi-Point® team regarding his first experience with the brand:
"The first time I saw a Hi-Point® was when a friend of mine got a 995 as a Christmas present in 1999. It shot great and was so compact. Then, he told me how much they cost and where they were made...That was it. I was hooked."
Cliff shared that his support for the Hi-Point® Firearms brand is derived from the great qualities behind the company: the lifetime guarantee, the affordability, the quality of the firearms, and his favorite part—they are made only a few miles from his hometown.
Cliff lives in North Central Ohio along with his wife, Heather, and youngest daughter, Rylee.
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